Introduction to oncological homeopathy for  English-speaking health care professionals

A case of a metastatic cervical gland of an unknown primary squamous cellular carcinoma: follow up of 20 years

  • Presentation of the case and detailed step by step discussion of the analysis and treatment
  • Demonstration of the prescription will follow with an explanatory rationale according to the appropriate paragraphs of the Organon 6th edition
  • Theoretical and practical demonstration of a model cure

with Dr. med. Dario Spinedi

Chief Physician

Born 1950
Study of medicine in Zurich
1977-1991 Attended the Zurich lectures and regular supervision sessions with the homeopathic Dr. Jost Künzli von Fimmelsberg
Since 1998 direction of supervision groups and lecturer at the Augsburger three-months homeopathy courses
1993 Founded a homeopathic school in Ticino (CH)
1997 Founder and  chief physician of the homeopathic Clinica Dr. Spinedi


Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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