The following are the most frequently asked questions. Please contact our Membership Team - Membership if you have any other questions.

Do I need a licence to practice homeopathy in the UK?
Answer: No. Homeopathy is not subject to statutory regulation in the UK. As a statutorily regulated healthcare practitioner you can set up a private homeopathy practice in the UK, but you cannot claim to be a Homeopathic Doctor unless you have obtained a licence to practice medicine in the UK

Can you give me a licence to practice medicine in the UK?
Answer: No, sorry. We are not linked to the General Medical Council (GMC), and do not have any authority or influence regarding their decision to grant a licence to practice medicine in the UK. Here is a link to the GMC website - GMC

Can you help me to get a licence to practice in the UK?
Answer: No, sorry. We are not linked to the General Medical Council (GMC), and do have any authority or influence regarding their decision to grant a licence to practice medicine in the UK

Can I still be a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy if I don’t have a licence to practice in the UK?
Answer: Yes. Please contact our Membership Team – Membership to find out which membership category we can offer you

If I am not statutorily regulated can I join the Faculty of Homeopathy?
Answer: Yes. We offer Affiliateship to those healthcare professionals who do not meet the requirements for full membership, but who do meet our standards

Why can’t all practitioners be full members of the Faculty of Homeopathy?
Answer: The Faculty of Homeopathy is governed by a UK Act of Parliament. Under the terms of the Faculty of Homoeopathy Act, 1950 we have to adhere to strict membership criteria

Is there a membership application form?
Answer: Yes. We will send you the relevant application form when we know which membership category you are interested in

Do I need to provide any other information with my membership application?
Answer: Yes. When you apply for membership we will confirm what supporting evidence you need to supply with your completed membership application

Do I need to have professional or medical indemnity insurance to join the Faculty of Homeopathy?
Answer: We encourage our members to take our medical indemnity insurance as it acts as a mark of your commitment to professional practice. This helps us to set and maintain the high standards our Members and Affiliates expect from us. There are just a small number of countries globally that do not have professional or medical indemnity insurance schemes. 

What are the membership benefits of membership?
Answer: Please refer to the Faculty of Homeopathy Benefits of Membership or the Benefits of Affiliateship documents for details of the membership benefits

Do I have to do my training through a Faculty of Homeopathy certified training centre to be a member?
Answer: No. You can choose the training provider that best suits your requirements. If you train through a Faculty of Homeopathy certified training centre you are automatically eligible to apply for Associate membership. If you undertake your training with another training provider please contact our Membership Team - Membership who will confirm if you are eligible to be an Associate or an Affiliate

How do I know which membership category to apply for?
Answer: If you are a statutorily regulated healthcare practitioner you can apply to be an Associate. If you are not statutorily regulated then you can apply to be an Affiliate

Does Faculty of Homeopathy full membership reflect career progression?
Answer: Yes. If you are a statutorily regulated healthcare practitioner starting your homeopathic journey then you will start as an Associate. If you undertake further training and pass the relevant examination you will become a Licentiate. Further studying and examinations will result in the prestigious Member by Examination (MFHom) qualification

If I am already qualified and practising can I apply for a higher level of membership?
Answer: Yes. Many of our members start as Associates, and then apply for a higher level of membership through equivalence when they are ready to submit their portfolio of evidence. For more information please contact Kerry Condie - Equivalence

Are the teaching centres mentioned on the Faculty of Homeopathy website run by you?
Answer: No, each of the teaching centres are independently run. However, each teaching centre follows the Faculty of Homeopathy curriculum, and the Faculty of Homeopathy is the examining and accrediting body. If you study through a Faculty of Homeopathy certified training centre you are automatically eligible for Associate membership. Please contact our membership team Membership for an Associate application form

Does the Faculty of Homeopathy recognise the BHMS/DHMS/MD(Hom) qualifications?
Answer: Yes. If you have any of these qualifications you can apply to be a Faculty of Homeopathy Associate, or you can apply for an assessment for a higher level of membership through our equivalence process

Can I use post-nominals after my name?
Answer: Faculty of Homeopathy post-nominals relate to membership category and your profession. Not all Faculty of Homeopathy membership categories currently have post-nominals. When you join the Faculty of Homeopathy we will confirm which post-nominals, if any, you can use

Can I apply to be a Faculty of Homeopathy Fellow when I join?
Answer: No. Faculty of Homeopathy Fellowship is subject to a nomination and voting process. The decision to award a Fellowship is based on your length of Faculty of Homeopathy membership, your skills and qualifications, and your contribution to the Faculty of Homeopathy, or the advancement of homeopathy globally

How will my patients know that I’m a Faculty of Homeopathy Member/Affiliate?
Answer: We will send you an Annual Membership Certificate when you join or renew your membership. You will also be sent a digital Faculty of Homeopathy badge/logo that you may use on your personal stationery

Can I pay for just one year’s membership?
Answer: If you wish to continue to be recognised as a Faculty of Homeopathy Member or Affiliate then you will need to pay an annual membership subscription. If you stop paying for Faculty of Homeopathy membership you cannot continue to use the post-nominals or claim to be a Faculty of Homeopathy Member/Affiliate. Furthermore, we will remove your details from our membership directories

If I apply for membership will I automatically be accepted?
Answer: Sadly no, an application for Faculty of Homeopathy Membership/Affiliateship is not a guarantee of acceptance. The Faculty of Homeopathy has strict criteria, which means sometimes we have to say no to applicants. Our members join the Faculty of Homeopathy because they want to be part of an exclusive membership organisation that sets high standards for all of its Members/Affiliates. All levels of Faculty of Homeopathy membership are a recognition of your high professional standards

Do you have members in my country?
Answer: The Faculty of Homeopathy is a truly global membership organisation, with members in 44 countries globally .If you would like to know if we have members in your country please contact our membership team Membership

How long can I be a member?
Answer: You can remain a member for as long as you continue to pay your annual membership subscription. Some of our members switch to Retired Member status when they stop seeing patients, and others continue as full Members/Affiliates up to the point of their death

Do you have a Student membership for trainee homeopaths who are not doing their training through one of your certified training centres?
Answer: Yes. We welcome students who are training with any bona-fide training provider globally. Student membership is for those who are studying but not yet treating patients. If you are a Faculty of Homeopathy Student member we guarantee to accept you as an Associate (subject on statutory registration) or Affiliate when you qualify. You can only be a Student Member until you start treating patients under supervision or independently

Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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