Professor Aaron Ka Lun To

Aaron To Ka Lun established the homeopathic centres, “Living Homeopathy” in Hong Kong and Macau in 1994. The number of visitors has grown to more than 220,000 to date, i.e. every 1 in 35 people in Hong Kong have visited Living Homeopathy at least once.

Aaron has led the Hong Kong Association of Homeopathy (HKAH) and the Macau Association of Homeopathy (MAH) since 2005. The two associations organise homeopathic conferences and exhibitions, attracting an attendance of more than 3,000 people. They have ongoing meetings with governments in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan on the regulation of Homeopathy.

Aaron is active in training practitioners and engages in research, with the first cohort study of Homeopathy in China finished in 2016. In collaboration with ZeusSoft, he created the first fully-fledged Chinese homeopathic software. Aaron‘s team also finalised the first complete Chinese translation of Kent’s Repertory, William Boericke’s Repertory and Materia medica, which has been made available with RadarOpus. New books in Chinese are being added and more translations of classical homeopathic literature are in progress.

Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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