Dr Jonathan Hardy

Jonathan studied Zoology at Oxford University and obtained an Honours degree in 1978. He then studied Medicine at Southampton University and qualified in 1984.  

He became a member of the Faculty of Homeopathy in 1988 and since then has worked full-time on the south coast of England as a Homeopathic doctor.  

He practices classical Homeopathy, combining the time-tested traditional techniques with the exciting new methods developed by the well-known Homeopathic teachers of the last twenty years. He uses kingdoms and family/group analysis as pioneered by Jan Scholten and Rajan Sankaran, Sankaran’s system of miasms and sensation level material. He finds combining these approaches with use of the Repertory, Materia Medica and Provings can help to give deeply-acting, effective prescriptions.  

Jonathan firmly believes our beautiful healing art will have a brilliant and leading role in the healthcare of coming generations.


Founded 1844 • Incorporated by Act of Parliament 1950 • Patron: His Majesty King Charles III
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