Tomorrows' Homeopaths - What do the next 40 years hold for homeopathy?
Presented by Dr David Owen
Thursday, 31st March 2022 at the Royal Society of Chemistry, London our first hybrid Annual General Meeting and Richard Hughes Memorial Lecture
A lot has changed in the medical and homeopathic world in 40 years and a lot is likely to change over the next 40. David explored some of these future trends and how homeopathic thinking can help inform our responses to these. Raising questions about how we, our practice and our communities can best prepare ourselves for tomorrow.
David has been in homeopathic practice for over 35 years, is a past president of the Faculty of Homeopathy, Editor of Principles and Practice of Homeopathy – The Therapeutic and Healing Process, co-editor of Clinical Supervision for Doctors, led (for a time) on personal development and holism at the medical school at Southampton University, supports and trains GP trainers in Wessex and provides consultancy and coaching (informed by homeopathic and holistic principles) to individuals, organisations and teams in the NHS.
Watch the Richard Hughes Memorial Lecture 2022